“Plastics aren’t the problem; it’s the way we use them.” ~ Fiona Seguin
ReWrap is an East London-based business and research hub that put circularity and community at the core. ReWrap tackles single-use plastics that end up in landfill by creating circular waste streams, with a focus on re-establishing our relationship with waste as valuable materials, and the importance of materiality in understanding their potential.
“A passion project focused on reducing waste created around the holidays, we run workshops in the local area encouraging people to collect their soft plastics at home and learn various forms of up-cycling.”
Customers can return their products to be recycled and injected back into our material stream. We currently collect soft plastics like plastic bags and bread bags, however, our goal is to work with food packaging as this accounts for 40% of single-use plastics in landfill.
The flexible plastics collected from local businesses and community collection points are turned into flexible sheets which are sold as reusable and repairable gift wraps, gift bags, and DIY product templates which customers can assemble themselves.
DPS—SIP—EXPO—2023 // DPS self-initiated projects (SIPs) have been an opportunity for UAL LCC London DPS students to express themselves via their personal projects and wider creative endeavours over the course of their DPS year.